Saturday, May 14, 2011


 Today was Jackson's buddy's Birthday!  Yup, Aidan turned the big 1!  I can't believe how fast time goes!  I pulled a couple photos of Moose from the party for daddy tonight!  He was looking quite handsome - if I do say so myself :)
No interest in the cake at all!  He smooshes it in his fingers and that's it! 
He was LOVING ripping the unwrapped wrapping paper in half!  He made a pile of ripped paper and would just keep adding to it as Aidan opened the gifts! 
 Miss you Daddy - it already feels like you've been gone for a week already - I can't believe it's only been two days :(

1 comment:

  1. Your looking pretty darn dapper in your outfit Jackson!

    Almost half way home family. Miss ya

