Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Nothing Exciting

These photos are from last week...they were of Jackson when he was taking his puppy everywhere!  Nothing special, but I didn't take any today - so I had to go see if I had any in a secret stash...and this is what I found!

I love this photo!

 These pictures are from a few days ago!  This is the face I get to see in the morning!  All smiley and monster-ish!  Waiting and eager to take on the day ahead and fill it with exploring!

The funniest thing Jackson did today was...
We had a visit from a friend and her baby and when I went to say good bye I left Jackson on the upstairs landing with the gate and doors closed.  He could see down by peeking!  As I'm saying good bye...a sock floats on down!  He was standing, holding the railing, took his sock off, and threw it over!  What a funny stinker!

Also, he cut his fifth tooth!  I'm sensing two more on the bottom coming through soon!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see your new tooth jackson. Have fun with mommy tomorrow.

    2 more sleeps.


    Miss you guys
