Friday, April 16, 2010


So, unfortunately, I am sick.  It started yesterday with a bit of a tickle in my throat and today I felt like a truck hit me when I woke up.  I have a cough, sore throat, and headache that won't quit.  On top of that I am so tired - but can't get comfortable enough to rest.  I thought rest was a distant memory before - but now it's a HUGE struggle!  It's all made me feel so horrible and pouty.  I know, I know - I am a grown-up!  But seriously, in the past week my body has really started to feel the impact of the third trimester - and this has just topped me off.  I'm trying to hold it together!!  I have Kia here to take care of me, but truth be told - I just want my husband home...he's so sweet and just having him here would help!  I hope this doesn't get as bad as it did last time because that felt never-ending.  Tylenol and cough drops seriously don't cut it.  Ugh.

This whole being sick in the third trimester is trickier than I thought.  People keep telling me to drink, drink, drink (fluids, not alcohol!!).  However, what I have found is the more I drink, the better I settle into resting - and then SURPRISE - I have to pee!  We are talking about frequent bathroom trips.  So I just get comfortable and I have to get up again.  Ugh.    

I have to miss yoga tomorrow because there is no way that is going to happen with the way I feel.  I am bummed because not only have I been enjoying it, tomorrow they were going to have a talk about essentials for when baby comes.  I am also frustrated because I have paid for it, and already as of tomorrow the six weeks will be half over!  Ugh.   

I was supposed to work this weekend, which I was quite worried about; however, I am very fortunate to have had a few coworkers come together both today and for tomorrow to help out, which has been a HUGE relief for me!  Mucho Gracias to you.  I can take back one of my 'Ugh's!


You can tell when Trevor leaves town!  There are always more posts while he's gone vs. when he is home!  

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