Saturday, July 25, 2009

Playtime at the Park

Ball in mouth...ready to play!

Play with me Daddy!!

I'm coming, I'm coming!!

Smell, play - Smell, play!

Love the bridge, Kia or Horse? Both prance just the same!

Air!! Gotta add some excitement into this ball chasing!

Doesn't slow down for anything!

I love this dog! She is so great! We now have grass at the park by the house, so Kia had to break it in!

Trevor, Kia and I went for a walk last week...just across the street to the park. They layed some sod, so we tested it out! I think it works just fine! We had a lot of fun and she had a good snooze after! We miss you Trevor! We will see you soon...


1 comment:

  1. I love Kia... She is such a beautiful dog. We will have to catch up soon. xoxox
